Tons of writing news

Several things have happened in the last week. Here’s the updates:

1) I just sold a novella to Asimov’s! I’m really excited about this. “The Weight of the Sunrise” is an alt-history in which the Incan Empire survives into the 19th century. That’ll probably be out sometime in 2013.

2) The Suicide Witch is now available at Daily Science Fiction. The story is about a woman held prisoner so she can fend off angry ghosts of suicides. You can comment on the story on DSF’s Facebook page.

3) What President Polk Said has been podcast at Toasted Cake, which is Tina Connolly’s podcast. This is a short one, about 8 minutes long, and it’s one of my favorites to read aloud. You can also read the text if you prefer reading over listening.

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